Monoclonal antibodies - antibodies that are homogeneous in their structure and specificity, which can be bled in unlimited quantities. Neuralgia - a syndrome characterized by frequent attacks of escalating pain, spreading along the nerve or its branches (More trigeminal, glossopharyngeal less, wandering, etc.). Nasopharyngitis - inflammation of bled mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Dynamic ileus is caused by peritonitis, various intoxications after operations on abdominal organs. See also oxalate urolithiasis, urine acid urolithiasis, struvite urolithiasis, cystine urolithiasis bled . Neurosis - central nervous system diseases caused by impact of stressful factors. Mitochondria - cellular inclusions (organelles) that contain enzymes system electron transport and oxidative fosforiliroaaniya; main biochemical function of M. Myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle, showing signs of violation of contractility, excitability and conduction. Mutation bled change) a sudden change in the genetic information caused by a chemical (pharmacological drug), radioactive and other factors The adrenal gland - the pair of endocrine glands, located above upper pole bled the kidney. For any type of urinary incontinence consult a doctor immediately urologist. Adrenal medulla produces adrenaline and noradrenaline. Tonsil - the large accumulations limfoidnoi tissue in the mucosa upper respiratory tract (palatine, pharyngeal, nasopharyngeal), operates protective and hematopoietic function. Nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys, primarily glomerular (Glomerulonephritis) is characterized by changes in urine (appearance in the urine bled blood cells), edema, hypertension Nephrosis - renal disease, mainly affecting the renal tubules, characterized by significant proteinuria, with a reduction content in the blood serum protein and higher lipid content and development of general edema. Symptoms of circulatory failure are the following: shortness of breath at rest or occurring Intensive Care Unit physical activity, edema, liver without etc.
среда, 23 октября 2013 г.
Genetic Diseases and Diplophase
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